
6240 Watt Grid-tied PV System
26 Sharp 240 Watt modules on three pole mounts
Sunny Boy 6000 US inverter

The two outer poles have 9 modules, and pole in the middle has 8. The run of underground conduit is 540 feet, which goes through goat fields, under electric fences, crosses a stream strapped to the bottom of a bridge and comes out under a porch.

The job was a challenge not only due to the distance from the house and inverter, but also because of the sloping ground that the pole mounts were located on. The Bobcat had to dig three holes, three feet in diameter and eight feet deep, which were filled with concrete and gigantic metal pipes. This was difficult on the wet, sloping ground.

The system is in and producing above expectations. The seasonal adjustability of the pole mounts, along with the fact that open arrays run cooler, makes for a system that cranks out the kilowatt hours!